Vormetric Data Security for Amazon Web Services

Protects cloud data with encryption and access control; centralizes key, policy and audit management across physical, virtual, and cloud environments.

Note: ESJ’s editors carefully choose vendor-issued press releases about new or upgraded products and services. We have edited and/or condensed this release to highlight key features but make no claims as to the accuracy of the vendor's statements.

Vormetric, Inc. announced Vormetric Data Security for Amazon Web Services (AWS), allowing customers to leverage the cloud while maintaining governance and security for sensitive data. This solution extends Vormetric's combination of encryption, access control, and audit to data in the Amazon Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) offering.

Vormetric Data Security for AWS uses policy-driven encryption to secure sensitive data in the cloud. It enables compliance and facilitates governance by separating data security management from cloud management using FIPS-validated encryption and key management. Vormetric Data Security for Amazon requires no application or database redesign or recoding. Enterprises can deploy cloud applications and data with encryption in place, meeting security requirements while minimizing development and administration burdens.

To overcome the limitations of volume-level cloud encryption solutions that only provide control over a storage volume, Vormetric operates at a granular file level to enforce encryption, enable access control policies and audit usage at the server, process and user layers. This approach extends the security value of encryption beyond simple media theft protection and allows enterprises to address insider threat, separation of duties and gain insight into access activity for data in the cloud.

Vormetric Data Security for Amazon Web Services is available immediately. For more information visit, www.vormetric.com.

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