
December 1999


Editorial: Party Like It’s … Hell, You Know the Rest

December Inside IBM

Web-to-Host Connections: My-oh-my.com: Anyone Ready for Portals?

December Response Time

Diversified Software: Enterprise Operability - The Key To Managing Complexity And Risk

E-Business: From "Over There" to Here: Legacy Code Conversion Helps AAFES Bring Santa to Soldiers

With its "customers" spread out all over the globe, the Army Air Force Exchange Services needed a way to migrate its COBOL-based mainframe system to a Web-based sales operation in a three-month period. MERANT Micro Focus' Net Express provided the answer for servicemen and women to do their shopping via the Internet.

SRDF, WDM Spell Disaster Recovery for EMC Corporation

EMC Corporation did not have to be educated on the value of a sophisticated disaster-recovery strategy. With the help of ADVA solutions, that's a class that EMC is well-experienced in teaching.

Enterprise Security: Built on Sound Policies

The creation of an information security policy can be a complex task. Decisions need to be made concerning the degree and type of security that is right for your company, while considering economic factors. Where do you begin?

Countdown to Year 2000: And Now… The End Is Near

Movers and Shakers Eye The Millennium

CIOs, IT managers and vendors give their thoughts and opinions on the future of the IS industry, disappointments in the field, and more.

The Security Behind Secure Extranets

With companies scrambling to gain yardage on the e-business playing field, data security and integrity could mean the difference between a win and a loss. Secure extranets redefine security from a defensive measure to a strategic, offensive move which allows companies to truly enable their online businesses.

E-Commerce: The End of Fixed Prices?

OS/390 Migration: An End Run Around Y2K

It is a fact of life in most technology areas that change is the only constant, but keeping up with change devours many valuable resources. Here is the story of two companies that used their IT resources to migrate their systems quickly and efficiently.

December Industry News

December Humor