
September 2000


Business Intelligence: Next Generation Business Intelligence

E-Business and Disaster Recovery Planning: More Art than Science

Enterprise Storage: What's in Store for SAN

E-Business and DR: Alternatives to Data Mining

Riding Shotgun with the Masters of Disaster

Several years ago, Verizon Data Services rethought its availability strategy, making it a part of the company's operating culture. A redesign of its strategy focused not only on systems and platforms, but involved a combination of a high-performance infrastructure, continuous data accessibility and protection from data loss.


New Products

Industry News

Round 'em Up: Geographically Dispersed Parallel Sysplex

GDPS provides all of the benefits of a Parallel Sysplex, while enhancing an enterprise's disaster recovery abilities and managing planned exception conditions. GDPS allows a business to achieve its own continuous availability and disaster recovery goals.

When Disaster Management Meets E-Business: It's Business as Usual

Wild West Tales of DR: Resiliency, and a Bit o’ Luck Help Avert Disasters

The "Wild West" days of disaster recovery planning were a simpler time for networks. The hardware was tough, businesses had greater tolerances to outages and IT managers rode the range confident the homestead was safe. Today, businesses rely on the uninterrupted performance of its IT structure. More than trust in the resilience of hardware is required to safeguard an organization's information assets.

Web-to Host Connections: The Rise of the Accidental OS

Editorial: Don't Tread on Me

Callable Service: Manipulating Binary Data at the Bit Level

Using IBM's Language Environment Callable Services in a COBOL program allows the user to perform some tasks that are otherwise outside the scope of the language. Learn how to use Callable Service to accomplish a task that is otherwise impossible in COBOL: Manipulating binary data at the bit level through four bit-manipulation services.

In the Saddle with Availability Management: A Framework for Business Continuity

Availability managment is a proactive approach to systems management that identifies and responds to systems events -- before they cause larger problems or even a systems failure. Availability is maximized by continually monitoring system components, identifying events likely to occur and taking preventive action.