A new open source extension for Chrome browsers promises to protect users against rising Web3 security threats like phishing and fraudulent contracts.
The cryptography practice of zero knowledge proofs (ZKP) -- proving and validating information without revealing the data behind the information -- is the key to securing and growing Web3 and the metaverse, a recent survey found.
Earlier this week Microsoft released a warning that the company is seeing an increased number of phishing attempts aimed at web3.
On Jan. 5 Coinbase detected a deep chain reorganization on the Ethereum Classic (ETC) blockchain, including a double spend.
IBM this week unveiled it's latest mainframe IBM Z, which is capable of running more than 12 billion encrypted transactions per day.
Security, digital transformations and continuous delivery figure prominently.
Juniper Networks Inc. has added new virtual firewalls to its Software-Defined Secure Networks (SDSN), a suite of products that applies to network security the "software-defined" technique of disaggregating software and hardware.
Researchers at FireEye said they've discovered a malware that infects Cisco Systems Inc. routers with a modified firmware that spys on Internet and network activity, an approach that might be evading normal security measures.
A group of prominent cryptographers said that the planting of backdoors for law enforcement surveillance -- in an effort to crack down on cybercrime -- is actually creating more network vulnerabilities that criminals can exploit.
VMware has updated a management tool to meet emerging security standards for Docker containers.
A recent survey examining the top perceived problems with cloud adoption points to one major obstacle: security.
Developers and rogue enterprise users can cause problems.
Due to the nature of data protection, what's right for one enterprise may not be right for yours. Here's some tips to consider when finding a solution to secure your data.
Trend Micro Inc. recently announced enhancements to its enterprise-wide security platform designed to provide a better unified threat defense against known attacks while also detecting and responding to new targeted attacks now in widespread use.
Look for these transforming trends in your network security in the coming year.
A new exploit poses as law enforcement to trap users into paying to unlock their system What you need to know about the exploit and how to keep your users safe.
What IT should do to secure data in the cloud.
As cyber criminals get smarter and mobile malware continues to proliferate along with fraudulent devices, how can security teams effectively prepare for the sophisticated threats ahead?
Officials in the UK now suggest that a cyberattack from purported White House e-mail accounts actually originated from China, and the perpetrator used a hoax e-mail address that resembled a White House account.
Microsoft says its security team is looking into an elevation-of-privilege exploit affecting Windows-based systems.